When You Think of Home + Acres of Love
A collaboration with Column Five and Acres of love — When You Think of Home is a community of artists determined to help. WYTOH does this through the sale of art that directly benefits Acres of Love, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing care, a family, and forever homes to orphans in South Africa. Profits from every print are spilt between the artist and Acres of Love. The task of each artist is to create a piece that makes them think of home. My concept for this piece was to create the food that warms me soul as a kid and an adult. "Sopita de (mi) estrella" Sopita is every kid in my family’s most frequent request; we gobble it up, ask for seconds, and feel warmed with comfort. Even more importantly though are the people who make it for us. Every woman who has ever made me sopita de estrella has been a star in my life, and a light that guides me. These women and their food warms us with love, brings us together and makes us feel like we are home.